Tumaini Isiolo e.V.

7. März 2016

Spender gesucht für Erstausstattung von Mary Gorret

Category: Was sonst noch interessiert – admin – 8:02 pm

Heute kam ein Hilferuf aus Isiolo bei uns an: Die 9-jährige Mary, die ganz neu im Schulplatzprogramm bei uns ist, braucht dringend Unterstützung für ihre Erstausstattung. Das Mädchen kam quasi mit Nichts bei uns an. Unsere Kontaktperson Pauline Murithi hat detailliert aufgelistet was sie braucht und wieviel das kostet. Darunter z.B. Bleistifte, Nachtwäsche, Schuhe, Zahnbürste, Wörterbuch usw. In Summe benötigen wir dafür rund 400 Euro (1 Euro = 110 Kenya Schilling derzeit). Hier die Auflistung aus Paulines Mail:

> 2 dresses @ 750 =1500———————–Bought
> 2 T-shirts @350  = 700———————–Bought
> 1  Games kit @1,000—————————Bought
> 2 Pullover long sleeved @650=1300——–Bought
> 2 pullover short sleeves @500=1000——-Bought
> 2 pair of socks (grey)  @200 =400———–Bought
> 2pair of socks (white) for Sunday=300——Bought
> TOTAL EXPENSES ————————20,000
> These items were not enough as she came with nothing only the school
> dress the police had bought not even a single pant. Had to do shopping
> for everything.
> 1 pair of black leather shoes  = 2000 PERSONAL EFFECTS
> 2 pair of night-dress @450 =900
> 1 blanket           @ 450
> =450                                                  1 Kgs
> Omo                 @ =140
> 1 pair of bed sheet @ 450
> =450                                                2 bar soaps
> @             =200
> 1 bed cover masaai @800
> =800                                                 4 bathing soap
> @70        =280
> 1 box               @1600   =
> 1600                                                   4 tissue
> papers  @30       =120
> 1 pair of slippers  @150
> =150                                                    1 shoe
> polish (big)/ ‘           =250
> 1 pillow / 2:pillow cases@ 250
> =500                                                     shoe brush
> 1 school
> bag                              =650
>                                               4
> pencils             @ 25        =100
> 1 mattress           @1200
> =1200                                                  story books
> English/Kiswahili =1000
> 1 mosquito net @600 =600 Encyclopaedia std 1                  =500
> 1 towel             @ 450  =
> 450                                                      plates/cup/spoon =50
> 2 pet coat (full)  @300
> =600                                                     Hair food
> oil/lotion                         350
> 6 pants               @120
> =720                                                   Tooth
> paste/brush                          =190
> 4 bikers                @250  =1000       Exercise books rough
> work/comb/rubber shoes/sharpener/crayons =500
> 2 handkerchiefs     ’20  =40   3 home clothe/@3000,2 pair of shoes
> (home) @2000,2 home pullover @2000,1pair slippers home ‘ 150
> pocket money=4,000 incase she finishes the shopping early, and also for
> up-keep 4,000.
> TOTAL AMOUNT DUE=  30,840 +13,800 school fees term two =44,640


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